Together we changed history in 2022! Here's a brief look at the difference Reach Someone Foundation made across the world:
Kelsey Arabic Program
Through our partnership with the Kelsey Arabic Program, we helped to facilitate the translation of the Bible in Arabic. We also helped train local leaders.
EduAmazonas-Projecto “Valores”
This project helps teach children and pre-adolescents about Jesus through activities and creative skills (like crafts, puppets, arts, reading, recycling, and sports). We pair this teaching with discipleship to increase biblical their knowledge and show them practical ways to implement biblical values in their daily lives.
Kingdom Extension
This project focuses on the extension of the Kingdom of God in Africa and the Middle Eas,t with the purpose of providing comprehensive training to pastors and local leaders.
El Salvador Sign Language Bible Translation
Through our partnership with Wycliffe Bible Translators, we assisted with the translation, recording, and publishing of John 12-21, Titus 1-3, 1 Timothy 1-5 into El Salvadorian Sign Language. We also helped to record 12 video devotionals based on the translated scriptures.
In addition to this, we helped to establish 80 biblical terms in sign language through a Biblical dictionary.
Disciple 200-Chicago
RSF helped cover curriculum costs and Bibles for this project that disciples local pastors and leaders in the city of Chicago.
Una Cena Digna de Navidad
We distributed a box containing food and necessary items for a Christmas dinner among the neediest families. inside each box, we also included a New Testament or a copy of The Jesus Film, and also some traditional Christmas sweets for children.
Thank you for your effort and help. As we look toward all the potential that 2023 holds, we invite you to join our team of volunteers and challenge yourself to your church to be part of the transforming lives and communities across the world. Together, we can reach someone!